Chikyuya Full Moon re-Nature Party
Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century

Thank you for coming to "MOON DANCE 2005"

Date : 17th (Sat)-19th (Mon) Sep. 2005
Gate Open : 17th PM12:00
Music Starts on the 17th at Sunset

DJ's :
Goa Gil (Avatar Records)
Sound System : MMU
VJ :
B.p.f (pioneer Dvj system)

Art Work :

曼荼羅 Eath Works

Artist Profile Dj Goa Gil

 太古の昔より人類が自然と共生してゆく中で行われて来た様々な形の祭事、神事、儀礼的精神を、最先端のテクノロジーから生み出されるTrance Musicを太陽、月の周期と同期させた24時間に及ぶDjプレイの中から創造し、現代社会に再定義しようとする唯一無二Only OneのArtistである。それは古来から今でも続いている日本各地の神社、仏閣で行われている祭事、神事を最も進化させたものといえるだろう。
彼はそれをRedefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Centuryモ(古代部族的儀礼の21世紀に向けての再定義)と位置づけている。
ヒンドゥウ教のサドゥー(聖者)でもあるGoa GilのDj Playから構築される世界は、近年の浅いエンターテイメント的要素の強いPartyとは全く異なる精神的な旅に心を導き出すシャーマニックな儀式とも言うべき神秘体験を含み、その空間のエネルギーは、遥か彼方の太古の昔にDNAに刻み込まれた魂の記憶を呼び覚ますかのようでもある。Partyという表現手法を通じ現代社会に生きる世界中の人々の価値観の破壊と創造を繰り返すその姿はまさにShivaの使者と言えよう。
今回の来日時は地球に最も近い満月と3 日間という時間、そして日本の象徴でもあるMt Fujiという最高のロケーションの中、過去にない最高のセッティングが整った!

Goa Gil:
The only DJ in the world who so awesomely translates the ancient techniques of ritual into the cyber language of today. The resulting psychic effects are those that have been known to be sacred by every civilization since time immemorial. Goa Gil calls this mission Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century. Using his experience as a Hindu Sadhu, Goa Gil invites the mind on a journey which far surpasses casual entertainment, presenting instead a full-scale shamanic challenge of Shiva-Shakti proportion.
With the Full Moon unusually close to planet Earth, and the Goddess Mt. Fuji to provide her blessings for the journey, causes and conditions have never been more auspicious for your Right of Passage. Be prepared to dance hard for one shouldnユt forget the countless who have laid down their life on Mt. Fuji for the privilege of walking this Pilgrim Road.

【Full moon】9年に一度の地球に最も近い満月。

人類が地球上に現れる遥か昔から、地球上の生命の営みに様々な影響をもたらし続けて来た月。その引力のバランスは地球と密接な関係を持っている・・・潮の満ち干き、サンゴの産卵、人の生死、女性の生理現象、延いては人の感情にまでその影響を及ぼし、それらは全て月の周期に同調している。 月は、29日半で、満ち欠けを繰り返し、27日半で地球からの距離を35万キロ〜49万キロの幅で近くなり遠くなっている。その遠近の差は、見た目で13%の大小が違いがあり、引力の強弱の差は30%にも及ぶ事はあまり知られていない。(この距離の変化を「遠近」変化と呼ぶ)

On the Full Moon:
Since the dawn of history, the forces of the moon have affected everything from tidal patterns to physical cycles of all types, from patterns of human ritual to the inner workings of consciousness.
While it is well known that the cycle from one full moon to the next takes 29 and a half days, the fact that the moon changes its distance from Earth from 350,000km to 490,000km through a 27day cycle is less known. This change in distance affects the gravitational effect of the moon on Earth by roughly 30%, and the size of its appearance by 13%. Its effect on humans is correspondingly huge.
Every 13.5 months, there are 14 cycles of full and new moons, and 15 cycles of close and far moons, effecting 4 close full moonsモ annually. These especially powerful close full moonsモ change their season of appearance every year as part of a larger 9year cycle, after which it will again appears on the same month as it did 9 years ago. This year was blessed in that the four closest moons all appeared during the outdoor summer seasonノsomething that wonユt happen for another 9years. The climax of this lunar Darshan will be offered on 9/18 by the queen of all moons, the Harvest Moon, celebrated in every corner of the world since ancient times. And on this night, with the queen at her fullest in 9years, the doors of perception will be cleansed and secrets of the universe revealed.